December 2020

denim key chaindenim key chain

The best holiday gifts are the ones you make yourself. Levi’s® Tailor Masayuki Den from Japan shares a crafty way to create cool keychains out of old denim. They’re cute and easy enough for kids to pull off.


• Old Denim

• Bandana

• Key ring

• String

• Ruler

• Scissors

• Marking chalk

      STEP 2

      Lay old denim flat and draw thin lines using the ruler and chalk. Mark off 8-10 ribbons ½” wide and 12-14” long.

      woman hands cutting denim strips with scissors

      STEP 3

      Cut the bandana the same way you cut the denim, making an additional 3-4 ribbon pieces.

      cutting bandana with scissors

      STEP 4

      Stack all ribbon pieces together and feed them through the hole of the key ring, making sure they are all the same length.

      tying denim braid keychain

      STEP 5

      Using string, tie the ribbons together tightly near the key ring. Cut off excess string.

      tie denim ribbons onto keyring

      STEP 6

      Once tied, twist and work the denim pieces together, causing them to fray slightly.

      close up of hands twisting ends of denim

      STEP 7

      To complete the look, twist each ribbon tightly, one by one to create a curl effect.

      twisting denim ribbon to create curl gif

      STEP 8

      Wrap it and give it to someone with a key to your heart.

      wrap denim keychain